Tag Archives: Stephen Harper

Let Him Eat Cake

19 Jan

I’ve always thought that Stephen Harper looks like a bratty little boy. Thank you for agreeing with me, Mercer.

And thanks to Greg for linking me 🙂

Romi Reads The News [8]

10 Jan

Happy Sunday to you all.

Even though our prime minister doesn’t feel like working today, I’m taking one for the team.

Here’s your news, ladies and gents:

Grown Ups can call time outs too – As we saw this week in the Harper government, when things get too rough, the most logical choice (apparently) is to prorogue parliament, essentially putting any federal government activity on a stand still.

Does this mean that if I have a tight deadline to meet, I can just call my boss and say, “listen, let’s just put everything we’re doing on hold for a week or two, and after some time off, MAYBE we can get back to doing some real work. I’m sure our clients would understand.”

Here’s to you Mrs. Robinson – Northern Ireland’s First Minister’s wife got herself into a little tizzy this week channeling another Mrs. Robinson (think the Graduate). Uber conservative Iris Robinson has been having an affair with a 19 year old man for over a year. Embarrassing but so funny. Continue reading

Romi Reads The News [7]

29 Dec

Ah back to reality.

You can’t see me, but I’m now morbidly obese, filled to the brim with turkey, chocolate, and beer. This is the life.

Although it was a big holiday week, the world was full of bad news it seems. If you were too busy stuffing your face as well, here’s some items to catch up on:

Terror watch – An attempted airplane bombing of a plane traveling to Detroit means increased security in airports x 10000. Thankfully the suspect was detained, everyone arrived safe, but still a scary thought regarding what dangerous items may slip through the security cracks. A new twist suggests that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the suspected terrorist, was on Britain’s security watch list. Continue reading

Romi Reads The News [6]

20 Dec

Good day to you all.

Events that are current? Here we go…

A somber day in Hollywood, as Brittany Murphy, 32, dies of cardiac arrest. In light of this, I will only focus on the good being her role in Clueless. You will be missed, Tai.

At least some of us are getting a white Christmas. And by white, I mean over 35 centimetres of the white stuff in the Northeast. When it snows, it blizzards, as they probably say somewhere. Wonder if it’ll move farther West to these parts. Continue reading

Canada’s Got Some ‘Splaining To Do

7 Dec

Sometimes it’s cool to be the rebel but in Canada’s case, it ain’t such a hot idea.

I now understand why Stephen Harper was so resistant in to go to the climate summit in Copenhagen, no one wants him there.

This is the first paragraph of a Globe and Mail article. Sums it up pretty nicely.

The country “is the dirty old man of the climate world,” according to a recent Guardian article. Another prominent article published ahead of the Copenhagen climate-change summit called it a “corrupt petro-state.” Various diplomats and scientists have rallied for its expulsion from international organizations.

Well that sucks. Good ‘ole polite Canada isn’t so appealing anymore. And guess what? Alberta’s oil sands isn’t the only point of attack. We have one of the highest levels of per-person greenhouse gas emissions. We could blame it on our volatile climate but that isn’t a good enough excuse. Continue reading