Tag Archives: twitter

Mood: Apathetic

17 Sep

On a recent television assignment for j-school, an article surfaced which said that social media and technology are to blame for a lack of empathy among their users resulting in more self indulgence and less attention to others. Here’s a more recent version of the article.

Though the study has some merits, there are dangers with putting all of your eggs (blame) in one basket. It’s so easy to blame technology for a person’s behaviour. Not to say it’s not a factor. Go to any mall food court and you’ll see a group of teenage boys sitting in silence poking away at their smartphones. There’s no doubt they’re incapable if communicating with each other, and there’s a larger doubt that they’ll be able to communicate with partners, friends, co-workers, educators etc… in the future, but can we really blame Xbox and Twitter entirely for the disconnect? Continue reading

Wherefore Tweet Thou?

17 Apr

Reason #4934928 Why I love Twitter:

Romeo + Juliet acted out in modern language via Twitter. Amazing. Next, Hamlet?

Here’s links:

Such Sweet Sorrow (official page)

Globe and Mail

@romeo_mo (Romeo on Twitter)

@julietcap16 (Juliet on Twitter)

TTC Diaries: Sleeping On The Job

23 Jan

Dear Diary,

It’s been a while since my last entry. I’ve been adjusting to the winter morning commute. Luckily there hasn’t been enough snow to freak out the bus system and drive it into a frenzy, but I wouldn’t put it past them.

Have you seen this picture?


Continue reading

10 Ways To Waste Time Until 2010

30 Dec

If I got paid for every hour I spend surfing the net, I would be filthy rich. Not something I’m proud of, but as a result of my addiction, I am pretty confident that I know a thing or two about cool sites around the interwebs.

Since everyone is jumping on the countdown bandwagon, I figured, heck, why don’t I do the same?

In the true spirit of nerdiness, and because being inside in on the computer is way more enjoyable than being outside in the freezing cold, here are my top ten websites of 2009:

10. Awkward family photos – What is more entertaining than seeing the goofy glamour shots of off-centred families? Nothing really. Whenever I want to feel normal, I spend a couple minutes hours on AFP.

9. Cracked – if you have a penchant for strange facts and conspiracy theories, check it out. Want to learn a badass skill in a week? Read this article to learn how. Just a taste of the odd, but fascinating stuff you dig through. Continue reading