Tag Archives: children

Not In My Playground

27 Sep

"The Twins" - Jonathan Hobin via Toronto Star

The Star features a piece on artist Jonathan Hobin whose new photographic series called In The Playroom recreates the heaviest most controversial events of the last decade and a half in the context of a child’s playroom. Themes include 9/11, the death of princess Diana, and the boxing day Tsunami.

Not surprisingly, the series has sparked controversy, but Hobin says there is logic in his expression: Continue reading

An Education

21 Dec

What involves “kids” and “porn” but isn’t kiddy porn?

The list of top search terms for children 18 and under! Doesn’t that leave you with a warm and cozy feeling this holiday season?

Here are the top ten terms: Continue reading

You Shouldn’t Kick A Ginger

24 Nov

I hate to say “when I was their age” but I’m saying it. When I was 11, there was no Facebook, maybe a glimpse of a chat program (ICQ?), and no cyberbullying, but we were still mean kids.

Bullying is not something new but the nature of it is different. My sister is 11 and I thank the internet gods every day that she doesn’t have Facebook yet.

Yes social networking sites can be used by pre-teens correctly but it opens up way too many doors for passive-aggressive kinds of abuse that kids aren’t ready to handle at such a young age. Facebook hate groups, refusing to friend someone, vulnerability regarding who finds them on these sites–all concerns that I know I wouldn’t have coped with in middle school.

Just last week, a scandal at my sister’s school. Kids were suspended acting on “Kick a Ginger Day”. Details of the situation are undisclosed for the privacy of those involved.

In the Star today, students were suspended at a Burlington Elementary school for going through with the assault on fellow classmates.

What’s being done in elementary schools to monitor their student’s use of social networking sites?

Do parents have the responsibility to educate their children on the dangers of internet consumption?

The floor is open – Debate away