Summer Swag

19 May

After five days of rain, I began to give up on summer. Begrudgingly putting on socks, a jacket and a scarf to go to work every morning seemed like a routine that would keep repeating itself like groundhog day (damn you, socks). And then this crazy thing happened. As if it were a sign from the Spaghetti Monster itself, on my way to Value Village, this big ball of fire began to peak through the clouds. I almost forgot what sunshine looked and felt like (and happiness, and skin pigmentation).

I consider this a weather-induced stroke of luck because damn did I get some good sh*t from Value Village. It’s one of those places that is not for the impatient or the non-creative. I am only sometimes those things.

Usually when I go to VV Boutique, I come with a game plan but can never find what I’m looking for. This time around, (I swear it’s the Spaghetti Monster) I hit the nail on the head. My top summer item is maxi-anything (maxi dress, skirt, pad…no, not that). VV was to deliver me maxi skirts and did it ever do me right.

3 skirts, 1 blazer, $40.


Want to see them?


Too bad.





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